How to be lazy and get your legs and butt in shape (quickly)

I have never been a fitness addict. Actually I can count my encounters with the gym on the fingers of one hand.

Nevertheless, I wanted to have my legs and butt in perfect, cover-worthy, shape. I was trying to achieve this result with the power of thought when I met a girl who, on the contrary, was going to the gym on a daily basis, showed me some before and after pics that made my jaw drop.

Of course excercising daily for two hours didn’t seem to me as captivating as it sounded but it made me browse the Youtube space in search for some inspiration. Then it all happened, I found a game changing video that I decided to follow meticolously. It’s made of five simple exercises, forty seconds each (feasible, right?), that tone up and boost your leg and butt muscles.

I started seeing the first results after two weeks and now I keep receiving compliments about how fit my legs look.

Currently my mission is to share this Youtube gem with as many people as I can, because…who doesn’t want legs and butt that look great as they propel you throug life? 😀

You can find the video here.

ps. if you know any fast and efficient workout for the upper body let me know.