4 Must Do Activities in Monaco

Monaco is undoubtedly the finest luxuries haven on the Mediterranean coast. It is more or less an extension of the French Riviera, which, as I have mentioned before, may just be the best part of France. Here you’ll find sunny weather, the best super cars and a potato soup for € 30. No surprise there are…

Abu Dhabi: Exploring Alwathba Fossil Dunes

In a hindsight I can tell that this road was bettern than the other as we saw hundreds of camels on the way. If you like this kind of encounters be sure to be around Al Wathba Camel Race Track around 5:30-6 pm. It looks like this is the time when they return from their daily walks.

And here are some photos from the Fossil Dunes. Keep in mind that there is a strict dress code – ladies are in only accepted with gowns ;).

Do Thai People Really Don’t Know?

So my questions is, do Thai people really don’t know? Or they don’t want to tell? Or is it just that they don’t know how to say it in English? Probably I will figure it when I learn to speak Thai fluently. In the meantime I will try to always have battery and internet on my phone.