If you are a lover of all things luxury (like yours truly) the name Belmond for sure sounds familiar to you. A synonym for a first-class deluxe experience, its global collection of iconic hotels includes the Governor’s Residence in Yangon as well.
It was in my must-visit places list for our trip trip in Myanmar. Unfortunately we didn’t stay there. By the time we decided to book the only available option left was the Governor’s Suite which was quoted at € 750 per night. As this was € 1 above our maximum set budget of €749 per night we decided to skip this time.
As the name suggests the Governor’s Residence was the home the ruler of Myanmar’s southern states during the colonial days. Throughout the course (seriously, this was the only synonym of ‘during’ I could think of) of our stay in Yangon I discovered to be deeply fascinated by the classic charm of the city. This feeling developed even further when we crossed the doors of Belmond’s luxurious mansion. The fan-cooled verandas, the teak armchairs and the staff wearing traditional Burmese clothing makde me feel like being part of an exotic, bygone era. I could almost hear the sighing of the empire, the steps of the viceroy and the ruler, imagining them sipping a gin while discussing important colonial matters.
Me and the sweetest one didn’t lose time and headed straight to the bar area from where we could admire the lush tropical garden and shimmering turqoiuse pool. It was a truly pleasurable galore for our eyes. And if time had stopped in that moment we wouldn’t have minded.
If you are attracted to the colonial charm of Yangon don’t miss out another luxury gem – The Savoy Hotel (or what once used to be the doctor’s house). Full post here.
For more detailed information about Belmond Governor’s Residence and rates check Booking.